If you want to optimize your Facebook Profile for your business, this simple (yet effective) tip can help you do just that!

By now we all have a reasonable understanding that we each have a personal facebook page, but we also have a second page specifically for our group, business or professional presence on facebook. Now; on our personal page, we list our employer in the general info we share, because of course we want to publicize our business. This displays at the top of our page for all the world to see, and, hopefully, click on and visit/like/join/become a customer.

Facebook has a peculiar new setting that automatically sends those who click on that link to a default, non-owned page that cannot be modified by anyone, and is not the real page the person is looking to visit. It displays with blank gray info and a strange suitcase or briefcase looking logo photo.

There is a simple way to install a real link to your professional facebook page in that employer link space so that every person who clicks on it will be taken to your professional page, as they should be.
Here’s how you can make it happen:

Step 1: Download the Firefox Add-on “Web Developer”
Step 2: Grab your Facebook Page ID number by doing a copy and paste.
Step 3: Turn on the Web Developer Toolbar and choose ” Forms” and then “Display Form Details.”
Step 4: Paste your Page ID into the “employer” field.
Step 5: Click “Add Job”
Step 6: Un-click “Display Form Details” from the “Forms” drop down.
Step 7: Test is by clicking on the link after “Works at” at the top of your profile.

If it goes directly to your Facebook Page, you are all set! Of course, if you need a hand with this, just get in touch and I can provide all the assistance you need.